Distance (km)
Elevation gain (m)
Pornello is an almost completely uninhabited village. Along the way it seems that it is composed only of very few houses; if instead we go into it, once we have left the car on the Provincial road, we can see that it is more consistent than it seems. There is also an evidently noble house.
Remember to always close the cattle gates that you will find on your way.
Our route plans to cross Pornello going between the houses, always downhill, until we find a road that we take on our right (towards the south); we follow the hairpin bend and, shortly, we arrive at the Fonte, a place of water supply until the first half of the last century. Ten meters later, we have to leave this road and go right over a fence (to be closed), continue downhill along a ditch that we leave on our right until we reach the main ditch. We cross it eastwards and follow the uphill road, after which we reach the entrance of Borgo Poggiolo.
We take to the right (towards the southeast) until we reach the asphalt provincial road, which we follow to the right, towards the north, until we return to Pornello.
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