San Venanzo – Volcanological park

San Venanzo – Volcanological park Distance (km) Elevation gain (m) A short walk in the heart of the paleo volcanoes close to San Venanzo. We start from San Venanzo, taking the state road towards Ospedaletto – Orvieto (West) to leave it shortly after and...

San Vito – Poggio Aquilone

San Vito – Poggio Aquilone Distance (km) Climb Descent This road, apart from the first stretch that follows the current provincial road, is very interesting. Until 1927 San Vito was a Municipality and Poggio Aquilone a village of it. We will travel along one of...

San Venanzo – Poggio Aquilone

San Venanzo – Poggio Aquilone Distance (km) Climb Descent In the Gregorian Cadastre, the connection between these two centres was almost entirely corresponding to the current one. From San Venanzo, take the highway towards Marsciano and then leave it at the...

Poggio Aquilone – Marsciano

Poggio Aquilone – Marsciano Distance (km) Climb Descent Very interesting route because it is a further demonstration of the various needs before the arrival of the cars: today, to reach an elevation of 195 (Fersinone valley) from an elevation of 295 (Borgo di...

Poggio Aquilone – Civitella dei Conti

Poggio Aquilone – Civitella dei Conti Distance (km) Climb Descent To reach the Fersinone valley you can take the current road which, with hairpin bends, loses altitude until it reaches the valley. More interesting is to take the ancient road, which you take on...

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