San Venanzo – Volcanological park

Distance (km)

Elevation gain (m)

A short walk in the heart of the paleo volcanoes close to San Venanzo.

We start from San Venanzo, taking the state road towards Ospedaletto – Orvieto (West) to leave it shortly after and continue along Via dell’Acquedotto; between the second and the third house on the left we take a downhill road (we are now right in the crater of one of the two volcanoes) that we follow until the end of the vineyard, then to the right always leaving the vineyard on our right; thus we arrive at the so-called “Pisciarello“, an ancient fountain much loved by the inhabitants.

A few meters later, we follow a concrete road downhill to the right, which will soon become a gravel road; we continue leaving the purifier implant to the left and we begin a climb; there is only one road, with no alternatives; we find a gate on the right and, in front of us, the road becomes dirt and goes into the woods, until it comes out on a wider gravel road.

We take it to the right (south-west) going up; it becomes an asphalt road and, shortly after, we turn right following a sign indicating the presence of an artisan activity (mechanical workshop); we reach the building that we leave on our right (attention: it is possible to find here free dogs) and we find on the left a dirt road that runs alongside small animal sheds (on our left). This downhill road will shortly take us to the Volcanological Park, from which the only road present (Via della Cava) takes us back to the state road which we take to the right and after a few minutes we find ourselves back in San Venanzo.

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