Poggio Aquilone

Hamlet of the Municipality of San Venanzo (TR) it is located on the top of a marly-limestone hill overlooking the course of the Fersinone stream (a tributary of the NĂ©store river) at a height of 295 m. and it has 78 inhabitants, according to official data of the Istat census of 2001. The village is located in a rather isolated position, easily reachable starting from the nearby Marsciano, or through a steeply sloping road, deviation from the highway that leads to San Venanzo . The coat of arms of the town bears an eagle clearly carved.
Nearby the village, in 1898, a grave burial of the Aeneolithic era (10,000 BC) was found; inside, there was a skeleton, surrounded by flint and copper objects, probably of the so-called Rinaldone culture. Among these, of particular value and finish, a red flint dagger and a perforated hammer, now preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Bologna.
In the 13th century, Castel del Poggio de l’Aquilone appears to be a property of the Cadolingi Earls of Marsciano (of Lombard origin) and later owned by the nobles of Perugia, including the Oddi, Podiani, Montesperelli and Ponfreni. In 1258 it appears to be placed under the jurisdiction of Perugia, on the southern borders of the countryside with the territory of Alto Orvietano, and in 1282 the country’s mayor lent loyalty to the Perugian magistrates. Arrigo VII of Luxembourg was hosted here in 1312, during his coming to subdue the Florentines.
In 1442 the Statute of Poggio Aquilone was written, a collection of 109 articles intended to regulate the government, security and sociability of the small community (now it is kept in the Augusta Library of Perugia). Granted for the first time by the Counts of Marsciano, it will then be integrated and updated in 1556.
In the eighteenth century, a “mountain of grapes” was established there, that is, one of the few places in central Italy where the grains intended for human consumption were collected.
It belonged to Perugia until 1831, when in Rome decided to pass it under the jurisdiction of Orvieto. Then it remained in the municipality of San Vito in Monte until 1927, the year in which it was incorporated into the municipal area of San Venanzo. From a religious point of view, however, the Poggese territory is still included in the Diocese of Perugia.
Among the illustrious characters of Poggio the painter Adelio Santi should be mentioned, born in 1918 in Castel Viscardo and later relocated to these places.
Hamlet of San Vito until 1831, it became part of the municipality of San Venanzo in 1929. The parish church contains interesting pictorial evidence including an 18th century Via crucis.
Last week of May and first week of June, celebrations for the patron S. Pasquale Baylon and the handmade umbricelli festival, organized by the AMICI DI POGGIO AQUILONE Association

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