Distance (km)
Elevation gain (m)
For this route you need to download the map on your mobile or GPS.
Felcete is an accommodation facility currently in disuse. It can be reached by car from Ripalvella, along the road that leads to Ospedaletto; road signs are present.
This double ring insists on the two opposite sides of the Faena delle Felcete stream, which in ancient times was the border between Tuderte and Orvietano territories, enemies for many centuries. We will cross twice the torrent, which in the Middle Ages was a real border.
Between the two farmhouses of Felcete, we find a downhill road on the left (towards the North) which we follow until the valley, where we continue to the right (towards the Southeast) along an artificial lake; we follow the track that turns East and runs alongside the torrent; we find a crossroads and we continue always towards the East.
Never leaving the track, we note that this bend to the North reaches Podere Caserelle (the accommodation facility on our right) becoming a gravel road, and we continue uphill towards the North/northwest. Once at the end of the climb we find the ruins of Podere Moschiano on the right and, shortly thereafter, a crossroads where we must turn left (towards the South) along a small road which dominates the whole valley. If we pay attention, we can see under our feet, for short stretches, a sort of pavement (an unequivocal sign of the ancient presence of considerable transit).
This brings us to the crossroads that we met shortly after leaving the pond. Here we continue straight on wading the torrent, then uphill we reach the valley of a tributary; the road runs alongside it for a long time, then it starts to climb to the right (note Podere Pian di Caccia on the left in a beautiful dominant position on the top of the hill), we go back into the woods until we reach a crossroads.
Here it is suggested, before continuing towards Felcete, to turn right (towards the East) to reach, in a few hundred meters on flat, the ruins of Podere Frattuccia, from here you can enjoy a 360° panorama. Going back, at the crossroads we turn right (towards the Northwest) and, always following the only track, we wade the Faena delle Felcete stream again and we will be at our starting point, Felcete.
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