
Distance (km)

Elevation gain (m)

For this route you need the map downloaded on your mobile or GPS.


This short ring insists on very ancient paths. From the village square, go back until you find a road (road sign: Monte Castello di Vibio) on the left (towards the south) which soon becomes a gravel road. After covering km. 1.12 from the start, the gravel road curves to the right (towards the west) while you leave it to take a dirt road in front of you, to the left; leaving Podere il Poggio on your right, you continue downhill, passing a ditch and going up towards the ruin of Podere la Torretta. Turn around it and continue to follow the dirt road. Up to now you have always been out of the woods; when your path begins to skirt a forest on your left, you have to pay attention until, after 2.37 km from the start, you have to take a dirt road that enters the woods and proceeds uphill for 150 meters, until it comes out. Here you will bend sharply to the right (towards the east) skirting the wood until you reach an increasingly evident track that will take us back to Ripalvella.

It is interesting to take a tour inside the ruins of the oldest part of this village.

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