San Venanzo – Vaiano

Distance (km)

Elevation gain (m)

This path is NOT yet practicable.

 From San Venanzo take the state road in the direction of Orvieto and then turn left into Via della Cava. You reach the area of ​​the Volcanological Park and continue uphill following the track until you reach a small asphalt road; turn right and, after a few meters, take a downhill road on the left, which you follow until you reach Faena stream, which you cross.

After a few tens of meters of meadow, the trace of an uphill road towards the south appears clear in front of us, which we follow until we reach Podere Vaiano (Tenuta Colli Verdi); before reaching this structure, it is possible to find a fence on the track and, in this case, it is necessary to go to the left alongside it. When we reach our destination, we will have to continue to the right, on a slightly uphill gravel road that passes among the buildings of the agricultural and accommodation structure. Once we reach a junction, we turn right, towards the North/Northeast. We follow this dirt track and we be again in the clearing that precedes the ford of Faena. From here the road is backwards on the one already travelled at the beginning.

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