From the early Middle Ages to the Papal States
In the following period of the early Middle Ages, the castle was rebuilt and returned to its function as a territorial garrison, but also strengthened its economy by extending the cultivation of the surrounding agricultural land. As the first sharecropping contracts began to be experimented, the population needed to continue residing within the walls for safety.
So it was that, to regulate the increased social life of the village, around the end of the 15th century it was necessary to resort to the promulgation of special Statutes. A Viscount appointed by the Municipality of Orvieto was the guarantor of the observance in the name of the Orvieto Government still governed by the powerful Guelph family of the Monaldeschi who, once won the bloody struggle of the 14th century with their rivals Filippeschi, strengthened and maintained their power for a very long period as staunch defenders and loyal representatives of the Papal States.